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Camas Ridge Community School

Camas Weekly Newsletter

Posted Date: 1/18/25 (7:18 PM)

Camas Newsletter
Camas flower
Dear Camas Families,
This last week was our only full week of school for January.
Monday 01/20/2025 is a National Holiday MLK Jr. Observed, so there is No School.
We will be back at school on Tuesday January 21st, 2025.
Please have a restful 3 day weekend.
Below we have some updates for the rest of January.
In this issue:
Art Walk 2.0
Hi Families,

On Thursday, February 13, from 5:30-7 pm, Camas Ridge is presenting “Art Walk 2.0: An Interactive Showcase of Learning.” This inaugural event will feature displays of our studies, ranging from art installations, to written pieces, to videos, to other creative ways to both celebrate and share our learning with our community. 

 Attending students and staff will be able to double as docents at their area, helping detail the process and information presented, though many displays will come with summations of the project. This night allows students to live the O in the EDCRO methodology of engaging in our learning (explore, design, create, refine and own).  

While this night is a departure from our long-standing tradition of “Art Walks,” which aimed to highlight our focus on the Arts, it is an example of how our staff also lives in EDCRO: we refine constantly. Our new event, aiming to infuse Project Based Learning into all we do to show how integrating multiple academic disciplines- including the arts- leads to rich and deep engagement of a topic for students and staff alike, promises to get us closer to our vision of a PBL school.  

We sure hope you can carve out time from a busy schedule to join us as we launch an exciting new chapter in the evolution of Camas Ridge.   

Our best,
The Camas staff
Ms. Esther's Counseling Monthly Newsletter
Ms. Esther wanted to let families know that she has a new format to send out a newsletter to families. Each month she will send out a new link for her newsletter.
This month it can be found here
The link is also on our Cams Ridge Website on the "FAMILIES" drop-down tab >>under "Counseling"
Thank you Ms. Esther!
School Choice Slide with school supplies
School Choice Events
Camas Ridge will host two in-person school choice events.
  • A daytime session will be hosted on Wednesday 01/22/2025 at 11am in the Camas Ridge Library
  • An evening session will be hosted on Wednesday 01/22/2025 at 6pm in the Camas Cafeteria
  • A recorded session will be posted on the Camas Website from one of those sessions.
Flyer for Eugene Youth Math Festival
Eugene Youth Math Festival
The University of Oregon's Math Department will host the 6th annual Math Festival for elementary and middle school students on Saturday, February 22, 2025, from 10 AM to 1 PM. Last year, over 350 children attended the festival, and They are looking forward to another successful event!

The festival offers various engaging activities, including problem-solving challenges, cryptography, geometric constructions, crafts, origami, strategy games, and hands-on experiments. Children of all math levels are welcome – our stations cater to different abilities and interests, focusing on making mathematics fun and exciting for everyone.

For more information about the festival, please visit the Festival Website.
Student Marching
MLK Jr. March
Hi Families,
I am very happy to say that all students and families who joined this event made it a great time/ ending to our day this Friday. We would like to say thank you to families who came out to the school during our MLK Jr. March.
Whole school line up
The next Camas Ridge Community Organization general meeting is Wednesday February 5th, 2025 6:30-8pm in the Camas Ridge Community Room.
Ariel view of the school
Pick up
I wanted to send out with this newsletter a request, as we have students who are frequently left at Camas Ridge and we are not able to get a hold of parents.
  • We would really appreciate it at the front office if you could make sure and update any new contact information you have
  • Please remember that pick up time is 2:25pm every day except Wednesday's.
  • Wednesday's pick up time is 1:10pm/
  • Please understand that after school is dismissed for the day we as a staff have a lot to take care of and we cannot have students unsupervised at school waiting for pick up.
  • Please make arrangements with others who could pick up your student in case you were unable to do so.