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Site Council

The school site council is a group of teachers, parents, and classified employees that works with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. The members of the site council are elected by their peers. Parents elect the parent representatives and teachers elect teachers.

Over the course of a year, a typical council might consider the goals of the school or district and then work with the principal to evaluate the school’s progress toward those goals. In this evaluation, the council might consider school test scores, attendance and discipline records, parent surveys and input from students. Because school budgets are limited and many funds can only be spent in certain ways, there are always tough decisions to make.

Site Council Mission and Organization
The Site Council’s mission is to foster school improvement and staff development. The Site Council exists to support the school mission by providing the leadership to maintain a balanced vision for the future. The council will accomplish its mission by facilitating school-wide communication, evaluation and goal setting. Site Council stakeholder groups are the administration, certified and classified staff, students, and parents. Meetings are open to all.

Oregon Department of Education Directives to Site Council

  • Improve school instructional programs.
  • Develop plans to improve the professional growth of school staff.
  • Implement the law.
  • Administer grants for staff development.