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Camas Ridge Community School

South Eugene Babe Ruth-Spring Registration

Posted Date: 1/15/25 (2:59 AM)

Hi Camas Ridge Families,
Sending out a message from South Eugene Babe Ruth, see below

South Eugene Babe Ruth

2025 Spring Baseball Registration is OPEN!

We’re thrilled to announce that registration is now open for the 2025 Babe Ruth Regular Season. Get signed up today! Evaluations are right around the corner!

Register Here

Season Schedule

Registration will remain open through evaluation weekend, February 8/9. For players in divisions Rookies through Preps, the pre-season schedule is expected to begin around March 11 and the regular season will begin shortly after Spring Break. The full schedule, including playoffs, will go through mid-June. T-Ball season won’t start until the first week of May with registration open through April 7th.

Other important dates will be announced as they become available.  

Player Evaluation Weekend

Player evaluations for the new season are scheduled to occur at South Eugene High School on February 8th and 9th. Evaluations are mandatory for all levels except for T-ball and are intended for coaches to effectively place all kids who want to play. Players are not required to attend Saturday and Sunday, but are certainly welcome if players are interested and available! If your player cannot make it to one of the evaluation days, please get in touch ASAP and we’ll work with you to make other arrangements.

Please register your player before participating in evaluations.

Find your player's age below to find your time. Players should wear baseball attire/athletic clothing with running / athletic shoes, but no cleats. Evaluations may be indoor/outdoor and players should dress for the weather. Rookie leagues are machine pitch and all other leagues are kid pitch.

Evaluations will be held on 2/8 & 2/9. Players must take part in one session but can participate in both sessions.

Ages 7, 8, 9
9:00 to 10:00 am

AA & AAA - Ages 9 & 10*
10:15 am to 11:15 am

Majors - Ages 11 & 12 
11:30 am to 12:30 pm

Preps - Ages 13 & 14
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

* Players age 9 may play at either level depending on the team and individual needs.

In addition to the SEBR fees below, player registration includes a $30 contribution towards the annual Willamette Valley Babe Ruth raffle tickets. More information about the raffle program is available during the registration process. Each player's fees also cover the team registration costs with Willamette Valley Babe Ruth, support facility maintenance and shared equipment costs, uniform hat and help with area administrative costs.

This year we will be using for our uniforms. We will have sample sizes at evaluations, then once teams are determined, families will be responsible for ordering uniforms (pants, jersey, socks, belt) by March 16. GearUp will ship directly to your house. There will also be options to select other South Eugene gear for players and fans. Because families will be paying GearUp directly for uniforms, with the exception of the hat, we have reduced the registration cost this year.

Eligible leagues and fees are as follows:

Ages 4, 5

Ages 6, 7, 8
Rookies - Machine Pitch

Ages 9 +
AA, AAA, Majors, Preps - Kid Pitch

More information about the upcoming T-Ball season is coming soon.

Call for Volunteers

If you are interested in coaching or volunteering in any other way, please get in touch with any of the South Eugene Board members. We would love any help in any capacity that you are able!

Thank you for all that you do to support youth baseball! Go South!

South Eugene Babe Ruth Board

Rico Lea - Area President
Justin Gonzales - Area Director
Rob Currier - Treasurer
Bryan Dearinger - Coaching Coordinator
Josh Annett - Facilities Coordinator
Rio Capper - Facilities Coordinator
Patrick Murphy - Board Member
Vidusha Devasthali - Board Member
Missy Matella - Board Member
Sara Lindsley Starlin - Board Member
Brent Hodgson - Board Member